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Influences On SEO UT In 2019

2019 is set to be an exciting year for SEO UT. With more content and competitors on the web, the factors that influence search algorithms increasingly become more complex. If you want your business to thrive in this competitive business environment you must embrace the latest SEO UT development and trends.

Some of our predictions for 2019 are:


Speed plays a vital part in organic search positions. Desktop page loading time had been a ranking factor for a while. This year it got a sibling – mobile page speed’s becoming a ranking factor for mobile. Now we need to understand which metrics matter for Google in terms of page speed evaluation.

Voice search

Voice assistance such as Siri, Alexa, Google Assistance, have led the charge in expanding our ability to acquire information. Typing a question is now not our only option for the quick answer, with voice assistance becoming a preferred choice for many online users. The brand or company that really caters to user experience this way gains authority and validity among the public.

Tracking everything

Tracking is extremely important. Without monitoring your organic search traffic you cannot know the progress you are making. For example – what pages do your users leave quickly? You need to improve those first with a high search volume. In today's world, this is even relevant to mobile searches.


Both, augmenting reality & virtual reality will dramatically influencing Google’s organic search algorithms. By the time we enter 2019, the way we search may not change completely, but these new technologies will definitely change the way we build links, engage users and generate leads through our SEO UT efforts.

Artificial intelligence

Even in this day when we are starting to see self-driving cars on the roads, AI still feels futuristic. Yet in 2019 it’s predicted that AI will provide detailed insights into website analytics, user behavior, and content comprehension.

SEO UT is constantly changing and 2019 will be no different, that does not mean our team at Sites by Sara can’t make predictions.

SEO and improving your SERP rankings on search engines is a time consuming and difficult process. And over the years we have mastered this process. As 2019 unfolds, stay tuned to find out how these predictions work out.

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